Train as you go
All our leagues & activities encourage beginners to join and participate. We will gladly train you in the general rules of the activity and the skills needed to succeed at it.
Two of our leagues are specifically targeted at training shooters:
Training Classes
Shongum periodically runs training & safety classes that are open to the public. Registration is on a first come first served basis and class size may be limited. Discounts are offered to Shongum Members and their family, Pledges, and Applicants on the waiting list.
To register, please fill out a registration form, include payment and mail to the address on the form. Registration forms are available at the clubhouse, at the bottom of this page, and on the applicable Training Class Flyer.
You may also go to the NRA Training site to find classes offered at other locations
Upcoming Classes Speed Links
American Constitution Class
Shongum is offering a FREE 9-week course on the U. S. Constitution presented by David Barton and Rick Green, Constitutional experts, and advocates for the original intent of our founding documents.
This is a one-of-a-kind course on the meaning and purpose of our Constitution!
Topics include:
- The Constitution and Bill of Rights,
- Learn about executive orders,
- Recess appointments,
- The Electoral college,
- The powers of Congress and the President,
- Freedom of religion,
- The duty of citizens, and much more... all information is from original-sourced documents!
You can access a digital workbook when you register at
Or you may purchase a physical workbook. The physical workbook may be ordered through the Patriot Academy online store when you register. If ordering on-line, please specify on the registration form the number of workbooks you would like to pick up at class.
Or you may purchase a physical workbook in person at class for $15.00.
Your host for this event is Elizabeth (Liza) Thomas. Please contact your host at or (908) 475-2066 with any questions you may have.
Please refer to the SSA calendar for dates & times.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
SSA Fundamentals of Pistol
COURSE GOAL: To teach the basic knowledge and skills, and to explain the proper attitude necessary for the safe handling, shooting, and storage of handguns.
DESCRIPTION: The SSA Fundamentals of Pistol Course is a basic course recommend for the person considering purchasing their first firearm, the novice shooter, or anyone wanting to refresh their understanding and ability to safely handle, shoot and store firearms.
This is a four-hour course where students will learn the rules of safe gun handling, terminology, ammunition, shooting fundamentals, firearm jam clearance, cleaning, and storage. Range time is also part of this course.
Contact Jim Owings at to register.
Please put "SSA Fundamentals of Pistol" in the subject line, include your Shongum Membership Number. Your attendance and time slot will be confirmed by email before the course.
FEE: None.
Saturday, Feb 15, 2025; 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Saturday, May 10, 2025; 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Saturday, Aug 9, 2025; 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Saturday, Nov 8, 2025; 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
NJ Permit to Carry Qualification Course
DESCRIPTION: This course and qualification was previously done by Bob Bajor at Shongum and many SSA members attended these classes.
Due to decreased demand for the course, Bob Bajor is running this course at various locations, including one only three miles from Shongum.
Shongum Members and Non-members are welcome. The instructor is Bob Bajor, NRA and NJ state certified. Classroom and live fire portions will qualify students for a NJ carry permit AND a PA non-resident carry permit. Class time is 4-5 hours. Cost $120.00 For more information call Bob at 610-554-4581.
This course is not conducted at the Shongum club location. Nor is it a Shongum club activity.
Shongum Emergency Preparedness Class
COURSE GOAL: We will be hosting an abbreviated day of emergency response training.
DESCRIPTION: CPR, First Aid, AED, Stop the Bleed.
FEE: $25 for Shongum Members, their immediate family, and Shongum Probationary Members, and persons on the Shongum Member Waiting List. $15 for SSA Range Safety Officers. $50 Non-Members.
CONTACT: Nick Mohr at to register.
Please put "Emergency Preparedness" in the subject line, include your Shongum Membership Number. Your attendance and time slot will be confirmed by email before the course.
Saturday, Apr. 26, 2025 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Saturday, Oct. 25, 2025 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Emergency Preparedness |
New Member Steel Target Orientation
Contact Greg Lynch at to register. Please put "STEEL ORIENTATION" in the subject line, include your Shongum Membership Number. Your attendance and time slot will be confirmed by email before the orientation.
Fee: None.
Scheduled Dates & Times:
8:00 am to 12:00 am
2025 Target Orientation Schedule
xx-Jan |
xx-Feb |
08-Mar |
xx-Apr |
xx-May |
xx-Jun |
xx-Jul |
xx-Aug |
13-Sept |
xx-Oct |
xx-Nov |
13-Dec |
Steel Target SOP |
Steel Orientation Presentation |
New Member Range Orientation
This 3-4 hr class is held monthly on the Saturday following the General Meeting to introduce new members to the club's facilities and review our Rules & Safety Regulations. It is the final step to becoming a probationary member and is required. It includes a live fire qualification session.
Fee: None
Scheduled Dates:
Saturday following General Meeting (see table) 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
2025 Range Orientation Schedule
18-Jan |
22-Feb |
22-Mar |
19-Apr |
24-May |
21-Jun |
19-Jul |
23-Aug |
20-Sept |
18-Oct |
22-Nov |
20-Dec |
New Member Orientation SOP |
Range Rules Safety SOP 06/05/2023 |
NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course
DESCRIPTION: This course is being offered to Shongum Members and Guests interested in becoming a NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. This course develops NRA Certified Range Safety Officers with the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations. This certification is typically required as a minimum to be employed as an RSO at a commercial range.
FEE: $50.00 for Shongum Members, Shongum Probationary Members, and persons on the Shongum Member Waiting List. $150.00 for Non-Members.
DATE: Saturday, March 29, 2025; 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Basic RSO Course |
Contact Us
Interested in joining the Shongum Sportsmen’s Association? Have questions about our club? Contact us today! Also, be sure to check out these helpful links for related websites.